When deciding to go into business for yourself, you need to do the proper research to discover what opportunities have the greatest potential for you to succeed. Finding a business you can be passionate about and is unique enough to keep your interest going is crucial. Also, don’t forget about profitability. You want to make enough money being your own boss that you can have certain freedoms associated with owning a business. Below you will find 3 of the cheapest franchises that can make you 1 million dollars.
Valet Trash Collection Service
You can turn trash into treasure with this business opportunity. Most people don’t want to do the dirty jobs in life, but taking out the trash has never been more lucrative. A lot of apartment complexes in your neighborhood are adding this doorstep trash collection amenity since they can charge residents more than the fee you charge them. Once you have an apartment community signed up for your valet trash service, you can easily live off of one 300-unit complex and scale your business as you see fit. See how our National Trash Valet Success System and valet trash franchise training guide is one of the cheapest franchises to own with the best potential to make 1 million dollars with just a one-time fee of $497.
ServiceMaster Clean
Owning a janitorial service has never been easier. ServiceMaster Clean is a janitorial and floor cleaning business that services the commercial or business industry. This would include retail locations, healthcare facilities or government buildings. Startup costs include a cash requirement as low as $8,380, plus working capital to make sure your business can survive while sourcing buildings to service. ServiceMaster Clean is one of the cheapest franchises to start because the capital requirement can be so low. A lot for larger business want $200,000 or more sometimes, but with this small startup franchise you can get in with low risk, which is great! Plus, when you get a few commercial buildings under your belt, your business can flourish at an alarming rate.
Do you love to stay in shape? Do you love to workout? Well then, a Jazzercise franchise could be your answer to starting your own business. What makes this one of the cheapest franchises to own and make great money, is the start up cost factor. With a Jazzercise franchise, you can be up and running for as little as $3,000 if you just want to teach. There are additional options to owning a performance center that can range up to $38,000, but there is no need to jump in at the full price right away. You can easily see if it is a business opportunity that fits what you are looking for to achieve your goals of being your own boss and making great money.
When looking back at these options or trying to figure your best course of action for finding some of the cheapest franchises that can make you 1 million dollars, make sure to find something that will fit your budget and goals. Starting your own business from scratch can be tricky, time-consuming, and cost-prohibitive. Finding a franchise or program that helps guide you through the exact steps to take to be successful is worth its weight in gold. Whichever path you decide to take, have fun and good luck on your business ventures!